Asteroids Game Survey
This survey is about the asteroids game that you have just played.
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How often do you play computer games? 
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List some of your favourite computer games that you like to play below. Press enter for each game if you like more than one game.
How was using the menu system for you? 
(main menu and the menu at the end of the game)
Very difficult to understand
Very easy to understand
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How easy was it to use the controls to move your ship and shoot the aliens and asteroids?
Very Hard
Very Easy
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Thinking about the ship controls, which keyboard keys do you prefer to move the ship?
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How easy was it to play the game?
Very Hard
Very Easy
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How many times did you play the game?
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If you played the game more than once, did the game get easier to play?
Still very difficult
Yes much easier
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How distracting (or not) did you find the background music?
Not distracting at all
Very distracting
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How effective were the sound effects?
Not effective at all
Very effective
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How pleasing was the artwork for the game?

Think about the background, the look of the ship, aliens and asteroids.
The artwork can be improved a lot
Great artwork used
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How fun did you find the game?
Very boring
Very fun to play
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How frustrating did you find the game?
Not frustrating at all
Very frustrating
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Feel free to comment on how you found the game below.
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