Blogs/News about Birdchain Project ICO
In order to qualify for a bounty, the blog or news website:

 can be written in any language;
 must contain only unique content;
 must be publicly accessible;
 must be 500 characters or more (without spaces) in length;
 must contain at least 2 links to

All the blogs provided will be DIVIDED into THREE QUALITY CATEGORIES in order to reward those participants who invested the most EFFORT into their blogs:

 Basic = 1000 Birdchain tokens
 Medium = 5000 Birdchain tokens
Good = 10000 Birdchain tokens
 Extraordinary = 42000 Birdchain tokens

Evaluation will be based on length, quality and blog popularity.

Name: *
Email: *
Link to the post: *
Your wallet address that supports ERC20: *
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