UI/UX Bootcamp Registration Form, S25
We're so excited for your interest in UI/UX Bootcamp! Please fill out this form so we can get a sense of how many people will be attending.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
UNC Email *
Pronouns *
Name Pronunciation *
What year are you at UNC? *
Do you have prior UI/UX design experience? *
If you answered "yes" to the previous question, please briefly describe your prior experience with UI/UX design.
Are you available on Thursdays at 6:00–7:30pm? *
What excites you about joining UI/UX Bootcamp? *
What design-related courses have you taken, if any?
How'd you hear about App Team Carolina?
We will do everything we can to accommodate as many participants as possible. However, depending on interest, we can't guarantee that we will have the resources (room size, team leads and learning assistants, etc) to support everyone who fills out this form.
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
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