Test Your Newly Acquired Civics Knowledge!
Each week, we cover a few topics in the fascinating world of civics, and this is your chance to show off your skills.
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Civics Quiz for Episodes 13-18
Ep. 13 - Where does the word filibuster come from? *
3 points
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Ep. 14 - How many letters did President Franklin D. Roosevelt receive per day after he requested citizens write to him? *
3 points
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Ep. 15 - True or False: We had a Secretary of State before we were officially a nation. *
2 points
Ep. 16 - What's the term used to describe two techniques employed in partisan gerrymandering? *
3 points
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Ep. 17 - Does the President have to specify why they are vetoing a bill? *
2 points
Ep. 18 - Fill in the blank: "When the President travels, the events are sponsored by_____________." *
3 points
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Clear form
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