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COTS Volunteer email list sign up
Fill out this form to learn about opportunities to volunteer with us!
You will be informed of volunteer opportunities as they come up!
Daystation lunch
is an ongoing need with a separate form. On
there may be specific events we need help with that have separate forms too!
Thank you!
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First and last name
Your answer
Are you 18 or older?
Preferred pronoun
Your answer
Address (house/apt. number and street name, City, State, Zip)
Your answer
Phone number
Your answer
Do you consent to being background checked?
Have you ever been convicted of a violent offense?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Have you ever been investigated by the Department of Children and Family Services?
Who is your employer?
Why do we ask? Your employer may match gifts and volunteer hours or even have special funds that employees can recommend that could deepen your impact at COTS.
Your answer
Is there something specific you are interested in volunteering for? A particular event, etc?
Your answer
Why do you want to volunteer with COTS?
Your answer
Do you have a specific interest with volunteering? If so please explain.
Your answer
What is your availability for volunteering?
Your answer
What frequency would you like to volunteer at? For example once a week.
Your answer
Is there any type of individual that you are not comfortable volunteering with?
Your answer
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