Petition: Keep Memorial Drive open to pedestrians and bicyclists all weekend!
UPDATE: After 3 years of open space on Saturdays & Sundays, and a 7 to 2 City Council vote, the DCR has ignored the massive public support for Riverbend park conversion. Instead, they announced on Apr 3, 2023 that Memorial Drive will only become a park on Sundays from 11AM to 7PM for a smaller portion of the year, representing a cut of over 80% of the park's open hours.

HOW YOU CAN HELP: Sign this petition, and then share with your friends.


The stretches of Memorial Drive that are open to pedestrians and people riding bikes over the weekend are a wonderful public amenity, used by everyone from toddlers to seniors. In a city with limited open space, it greatly expands the areas available for quiet leisure and enjoyment of the outdoors.

We are calling on our elected officials to:

1. Reject any attempts to reduce the hours in which the park is open to the public. The park should continue as a safe open space for people on foot and on bikes for the whole weekend, not just Sundays.
2. Make efforts to expand the park across longer stretches of Memorial Drive to benefit other parts of the city, for example East Cambridge.

(This petition was created by Cambridge Bicycle Safety.)
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