Ramah Day Camp LA: Zoom Info Session Registration
Join our team on Zoom to learn all about Ramah Day Camp LA and have your questions answered. 
We know parents are BUSY in the evenings, so feel free to eat dinner, tend to your kids, etc., as needed! We will email a link to the Zoom once you register. We can't wait to meet you!

**Just a reminder that we are open to rising K-5th graders and will run from June 23-July 25th, 2025.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Parent/Guardian Name- first and last *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Additional Adults attending with you (first and last names)
Child's Name- first and last *
Child's Current School
Child's Current Grade *
Child #2's Name- first and last
Child's Current School
Child #2's Current Grade
Child #3's Name- first and last
Child's Current School
Child #3's Current Grade
Which Info Session are you registering for?
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Do you have any children who attend our overnight camp in Ojai? *
How did you hear about Ramah Day Camp LA? *
Do you have any specific questions you'd like to make sure our staff addresses?
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