Gift Guide Application Form

Our goal with this Support Local Gift Guide is to promote local businesses and highlight their unique Atlantic Canadian made products and services. Our goal with this gift guide is to encourage readers to shop closer to home for all their holiday needs.

We would like to highlight products for the whole family. There are several categories to choose from in our submission form.

Submissions will be accepted until Tuesday, November 12th, 2019 at 9pm.

PLEASE NOTE: The round-up gift guide may feature up to 3 sources for similar products. The Featured listings include exclusivity. (ie: only one soapmaker can be featured in a stand-alone blog post or Facebook Live)

All accepted applications will be notified by November 13th, 2019, to allow time to deliver the product or service and create content. We reserve the right to only accept businesses we feel align with our business or a limited number of similar types of businesses. NO MLM or Direct Sales businesses will be featured in this gift guide. Please watch for other review opportunities for those businesses.
If you have any questions, please email 
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Email *
Business Name *
Name *
Email *
Product or Service to promote: *
Are you offering a Product or Service for review? *
Please select a category you would like to be listed under:
Website URL: *
Facebook Page:
Other Social Media or Shop Links:
Package you wish to apply for:
You will receive confirmation from us if chosen.
Because the gift guide may fill up quickly, we reserve the right to limit and select the products and services that offer the most variety for our readers. Please make payment AFTER you receive confirmation that your submission has been accepted to our gift guide. The earlier you submit, the quicker you may receive a confirmation to participate. Final confirmations will be sent out no later than Nov. 4th.
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