Stop Foreclosure Now

2300 Arkansans are behind on their mortgage....
We would like to thank you for being one of the 10% who is deciding to taking ACTION...

Thank you for taking the time to visit this information page. We know you have options and we would like to show you how we can help you make an educated decision on what should be your next step. Please feel free to email or call us directly with any further questions.

We are here to offer our help in Selling your home. We specialize in the process called a SHORT SALE. A short sale is when you sell a home for less than the amount owed on your home. It is a very specialized sell and we have taken steps to educate ourselves in the process. We aim to help you sell the house before the foreclosure.

Ready to get started?  Information provided gives us a general understanding of your current situation to begin formulating a plan to assist you.  All information is kept confidential and never shared without your permission.

Blake Roussel 501-230-6082
Roussel Team Realtors
Sandstone Real Estate Group

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Have you fallen behind on your mortgage, or feel you could at any moment? *
Do  you believe your home is worth less than you owe on it? *
Would you like more information about the short sale options? *
Are you open to meeting with a Short Sale Specialist to further discuss your options? *
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