ADAR Product Feedback Form
This form is to understand the gaps in ADAR and how we can gain more buy-in from users to find ways to achieve more habitual use from new and recurring users.

We expect the form to take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete. Thank you for your time!
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How long have you been a member of the SORA community? *
Where are you primarily located? *
What is your Age? *
What is your Gender *
What do you use ADAR primarily for? *
How frequently do you use ADAR? *
If you answered 'Rarely' or 'Never' above, what are the main reasons for this?
How would you rate your overall satisfaction with ADAR? *
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
Do you own your own business? *
Do or did you ever struggle to open a bank account for your business? *
How many B2B transactions to you send monthly? *
Have you encountered any challenges or difficulties while using ADAR? If so, please describe: *
What specific features or improvements would encourage you to use ADAR more often?

Are there any additional tools or resources that you would like us to provide to enhance the experience with our products?
Is there anything else you would like to share regarding your experience with ADAR or suggestions for improvement?
Are you currently satisfied with receiving updates via the Telegram Community chat?  *
If no, how would you like to receive updates? *
Please share your email
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