Implementation Partner Interest Form
Scaling Up Biochar Applications for Accelerated Stormwater Runoff Reduction in the Chesapeake Bay
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Project Overview
The goal of this project is to accelerate the rate and scale at which biochar amendments are applied in the urban landscape to support runoff reduction and improved water quality across the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The project will: 
  • Expand and mature the Biochar Partnership for the Chesapeake (BPC) structure to ensure partnership effectiveness and longevity through an ongoing Community of Practice. 

  • Deliver unified education and outreach around the benefits of biochar. 

  • Secure new implementation partners who are committed to formalizing the infrastructure for widespread use of biochar amendments in a variety of urban applications. 

  • Provide technical assistance to implementation partners.

This project will help to build a Community of Practice to provide agencies, researchers, and organizations with access to resources and expertise from a strong cadre of regional, state and national partners to help them develop and operate their projects. The Community of Practice approach will also help build a unified outreach and education message essential for this project’s success. Through education and outreach conducted by the BPC, new stakeholders will be added to the Community of Practice throughout the project period. 

Funding Source:
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Innovative Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Grant Program​
Qualifying Project Criteria
  • Location within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed 

  • BMP include: bioretention, infiltration trench, filter strip, grass channel, bioswale, rain garden, dry ponds, conservation landscaping, tree planting, soil amendment, restoring existing BMPs, dry part of constructed wetlands, stream restoration, living shorelines, reforestation, sand filter, submerged gravel wetland

  • Latest construction date by Summer 2025

  • Application on urban, municipal, institutional, residential, and transportation-based lands 

  • Match is not required for project submission.  However, projects with a non-federal match between will receive priority selection.The project will supply the biochar and the partners will be responsible for the biochar shipping costs to the project site. Match can include the BMP installation and biochar shipping costs.

  • Partner ability to share BMP design information, including stormwater management plans and design report 

The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the opinions or policies of the U.S. Government or the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and its funding sources. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute their endorsement by the U.S. Government, or the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation or its funding sources.
Form Instructions
This form should take 5 minutes or less to complete. 
If you would like to propose more than one project, please fill out separate forms for each project. 

If you have any questions, please contact Allison Lee at
BPC Core Team
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