18th Annual Snapshot Day
This event is held across the Tahoe and Truckee River Watersheds to get the community involved with water quality monitoring. Snapshot Day will be held on May 18 for the Lower Truckee River (in Nevada) and May 19 for the other sites (listed below).

If you have any questions about the event, please direct your question to the site leader for the site in which you are interested.

Lower Truckee River (Reno, Nevada) - Mary Kay Wagner mkwagner@ndep.nv.gov
Middle Truckee River (Truckee, California) - Eben Swain eswain@truckeeriverwc.org
North Shore Lake Tahoe - Sarah Vidra sarah_vidra@ivgid.org
South Shore Lake Tahoe - Savannah Mendoza savannah@keeptahoeblue.org

Visit the Snapshot Day website at tahoetruckeesnapshotday.org
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First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Where would you like to serve? *
Have you volunteered at Snapshot Day in the past? *
What volunteer role would you like to have at the event? * Team Leader registration closed for South Lake Tahoe *
Team Member- Takes samples with stream team; Team Leader- Guides stream teams on data collection techniques. Requires additional training.
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