Alumni Feedback Form - 2018-19 to 2023-24
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Year of Graduation/Passing

Program in which graduated 



Overall Experience in the college

How would you rate your overall experience at Nutan Mahavidyalaya, Selu?

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Quality of Education

Did the education you received at Nutan Mahavidyalaya adequately prepare you for your career?

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Please provide any additional comments or suggestions regarding the quality of education.

How would you rate the faculty members at Nutan Mahavidyalaya in terms of knowledge and teaching effectiveness?
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Were the faculty members supportive and accessible outside of class?

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Please provide any specific feedback about the faculty.

Facilities and Resources:

How would you rate the facilities and resources (library, labs, etc.) at Nutan Mahavidyalaya?

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Were the facilities and resources adequate for your academic needs?

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Please suggest any improvements or additional resources you would like to see.

Extracurricular Activities

Did you participate in any extracurricular activities during your time at Nutan Mahavidyalaya?

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If yes, please share your experiences and any suggestions for improvement.

Networking and Alumni Engagement

Have you remained connected with Nutan Mahavidyalaya and its alumni network since graduation?

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Please share any experiences or suggestions related to networking and alumni engagement activities.

Overall Satisfaction

Based on your entire experience at Nutan Mahavidyalaya, how satisfied are you?

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Additional Comments

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