Thanks for your interest in talking with Christina about how to heal your body and fulfill your purpose! 💜💛

Let's start that conversation by answering the questions below. (It's fine to give long answers, and there are no right or wrong answers to any of the questions.) 

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Email *
Full Name *
City & state or country where you live *
What conditions are you seeking to heal, and how long have you had each one? *
What treatments have you tried so far, and how well did they work? Please include all conventional and alternative medicine treatments. *
Christina's proven approach to healing is based strongly on ideas like "Things become things" and "Change your thoughts, change your life." What's your opinion of these ideas? *
Christina's approach to healing is based strongly on the idea that physical conditions are a manifestation of unresolved emotional patterns. What's your opinion of this idea? *
Do you have any specific questions you want to ask Christina?
Once Christina has read through your responses, where do you prefer that she reply? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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