SL21B Town Halls & Community Roundtable
For more info, read blog post:

Here's your chance to ask questions or provide feedback directly to the Second Life Leadership team. All feedback and submissions will be reviewed by executives for consideration and discussion at a forthcoming Community Roundtable and SL21B Q&A events.

Your Second Life name and personal information is NOT collected by Linden Lab in this form. However, you do have the option to share your Second Life identity below if you wish to be identified when/if your questions and feedback are addressed in the Community Roundtable or Town Hall events. 
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Please share your questions or feedback for the Second Life leadership team here.
If your question is directed at a specific Linden Lab employee or department, please identify that here.
(Optional) If you are comfortable doing so, please share your Second Life name here for attribution during the Community Roundtable or TownHall. 
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