Before and After School Booking - September 2023
Please complete the form below to request a place for the school's popular Early Birds and Busy Bees Club from September 2023.

Please note that due to increased staffing and consumable costs we have had to increase the price of Early Birds from £1.50 to £2.00 per day. This still reflects excellent value when compared with alternative provision available locally. The price of Busy Bees after school club is remaining at £8 per day.

Please read our Before and After school club policy before completing. 
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Name of Child/Children *
Please fill out the name of child/children who require a place.
Name of Parent/Carer *
Please put the name of the parent/carer who is completing this form.
Child's class(es) in September 2023 *
Please note this section is for the class your child will be in next academic year
Days Required for Early Birds  - 7.30am - 8.45am *
Please fill this section in if your child requires a place start from 7.30am. Price £2 per session. Breakfast will be provided every morning for the children, items may vary each day and this will include cereals, toast and refreshments.
Days Required for Busy Bees *
Please fill this section in if your child requires a place. 5.30pm is the latest you can collect your child. Price  is £8.00 per session. A snack will be provided at 4pm each day for the children. This will include sandwiches, crumpets, fruit and refreshments.
Preferred Method of Payment *
Please understand that refunds cannot be made for places that have been booked when a child has not attended, unless it is Covid 19 related. Also if a child is collected after 5.30pm (Busy Bees) then an additional charge of £5.00 will be applied. We do try to make fees as affordable as possible; however school must pay additional staffing costs where parents collect late or a child does not attend.
Additional Information.
Please put any information relevant in this section. Please note all medical and dietary information is already stored on our system. If there are any changes then please contact the school office immediately.
Payment of Fees and Declaration *
If fees are not paid, we will contact you requesting immediate payment and reminding you of your agreement. If a parent has difficulty making payments on time then it is strongly advised you contact the school office as soon as possible to discuss options. If fees remain unpaid after 2 weeks and other options have been explored then the club has the right to cancel the child's place.Please find the full policy on the link provided and tick below to agreed to all Terms and Conditions: 
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