2025 Camp Cadet Registration
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Email *
Child's First Name *
Childs Last Name *
Gender  *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
County of Residence  *
Age (as of June 2025) *
Date of Birth *
Primary Phone Number *
Email address for camp correspondence  *
Email address child (if applicable) 
Father (or guardian 1) Name  *
Father (or guardian 1) work phone or cell phone *
Mother (or guardian 2) Name *
Mother (or guardian 2) Name *
School District  *
Grade (2024-2025) School Year *
I have previously attended Camp Cadet  *
I have applied for Camp Cadet previously and was not accepted.  *
Child's Shirt Size (Adult) *
Child's Shorts Size (Adult) *
My sibling applied for Camp Cadet this year *
List Name of sibling if they applied for camp cadet this year
Is there any reason you think your child will have difficulty throughout the week at Camp? *
List the reason(s)  why you feel your child will have difficulty.
Is your child on any type of medication that controls their mood?  *
If your child is on any medication that controls their mood, please explain.
Are there any concerns that will be an asset or present a challenge for your child during camp? (Such as mortal fears, vices, social aversions, and family history)
Would you like us to contact you to discuss any special concerns you may have with your child completing the week at camp?
Does your child have any medical allergies? (please list or type none) *
Does your child have any food allergies? (please list or type none) *
Does your child have a special diet? If so please list.  
Do you understand your child must be up to date with Pennsylvania recommended school immunization recommendations prior to attending this program?
If selected to attend camp, please indicate which orientation date you can attend.  (you will be required to attend one of them) *
I understand camp is located at Camp Fowler 5851 Horseshoe Rd Orefield, PA 18069 *
I understand Camp Cadet drop off is June 8, 2025 and  graduation is June 13, 2025.  I understand my child will need to attend the entire time.   *
I self-certify that my physical condition WILL NOT restrict me in any educational or sports activities. There will be physical training throughout the week of camp.
I understand filling this application is not a automatic acceptance into camp. I will be notified via email.   *
I understand that IF my child is accepted into Camp Cadet 2025 I will need to bring $80 to orientation.  This is a non-refundable fee.   *
You will be notified by email of your acceptance into camp by March 3, 2025. While we make every effort to accept everyone for camp, sometimes we must limit the number of cadets for that year.
You will need to download the medical form, parental consent, media waiver and have it completed for orientation. You will be provided the required forms upon your acceptance via email. 
Registration Code if provided by Tpr Branosky (If not leave blank)
How did you hear about Camp Cadet? *
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