Beyond Comicon Cosplay Contest Application
Date: Saturday, February 15, 2025
Pre-Judging Time: 2pm Sharp
Contest Time: 4pm Sharp 
Contest Location: Yes Center 17051 NE 19 Avenue North Miami Beach, Fl. 33162
For information: Contact us at

Best In Show
Best Master
Best Journeyman
Best Novice
Best Craftsmanship
Judges Award (3)
Best Junior

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
What is your skill level?
First & Last Name*
List your first and last name (not stage name).
Stage Name

What character are you cosplaying? *
What show or series did your character originate from?
Please provide your Instagram handle and/or website.
Where we can view your work?
Did you make your own costume? *
What percentage of your costume did you make? *
Participants are required to attend the pre-judging and present a picture of the character they are cosplaying.

All costumes must conform to event, jurisdiction, and state guidelines for public decency. Shirts and shoes must be worn at all times in the event. Shoes are required. Profanity and obscene and/or lewd gestures are not allowed. 

Costumes and presentation shall not be used as a political statement. Offending and disrespecting other individuals, cultures, or religions in any way, will not be tolerated.

You agree to not wear clothes that promote porn, strong language, or any other graphic content. This rule applies to language, innuendos, and images. No acrobatics, sexually suggestive dances or gestures. The illusion of nudity is unacceptable. This is a family-friendly convention.

ALL WEAPONS must be inspected and approved by Security prior to being carried or displayed in public areas. If you are found to be in violation of this policy, you will be asked to take it back to your vehicle.

The following projectile weapons are NOT permitted at Beyond Comicon:

Dart guns
BB guns
Real firearms and or weapons

Beyond Comicon™ and Affiliates reserves the right to deny any/or all costumes/props not deemed appropriate and/or safe.

You understand and agree to all of the above rules.
By registering for this cosplay contest, I consent to have my participation photographed or filmed by Beyond Comicon™ and its affiliates. I authorize Beyond Comicon™ and its affiliates to use any photograph and/or video taken of me in publications, news releases, online, social media, and in other communications, and I waive any right to compensation. *
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