KABA Monthly Pro Bono Clinic Volunteer Sign-up
FIRST TUESDAY of Every Month, 6-8 p.m.
Clinic Location: KAFLA Office (981 S. Western Ave. # 100, Los Angeles, CA 90006)
Free Volunteer Parking: Koreatown Plaza (928 S. Western Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90006) Level P4
*Please arrive by 5:50 p.m. for a brief orientation.
*Dinner will be provided.

If you have any questions, please email foundation@kabasocal.org. Thank you!
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Email *
Full legal name  (*if an attorney, must match with Cal Bar profile) *
Preferred name (if different from legal name) (optional)
Are you signing up as an Attorney or an Interpreter?  *
Firm/Organization/Law School/Employer *
*Attorneys only - Bar Number (If you are not an attorney, please write N/A.) *
*Attorneys only - Practice Area(s) (If you are not an attorney, please write N/A.) *
Korean Language proficiency *
Other language skills and level of proficiency *
What days will you attend? *
*Attorneys only - We are in need of volunteers to assist Wildfire Victims. Training will be provided to those that are interested. Would you be open to getting trained and assisting on issues that are outside of your usual practice area? *
*Attorneys only - If you answered "Yes" to assisting Wildfire Victims, please list any Disaster Relief trainings you've already attended in 2025. (If you answered "No" or are not an attorney, please write N/A.) *
*I have completed and signed the Mandatory Clinic Volunteer Form using my legal name (**this is a separate form**).
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