Farm Buds
This is for everyone who is interested in visiting farms for fresh air, to learn about farms through hands on activities, connect with farmers and/or to connect with other folks who care about farms.
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Why do you want to volunteer on a farm?
What experience do you have in duties surrounding farm work?
If you can't help on a farm physically, are there other skills you'd like to offer to support local farmers?
(Continued from previous questions) Feel free to elaborate on any specific skills/experiences you might have.  
Are there any specific skills you'd like to learn by volunteering on a farm? What are they?
Are you ok with volunteering at a farm that raises animals for food?
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When are you available for a farm trip generally? (check ALL that apply)
Noontime/early afternoon
Afternoon/early evening
Would you stay overnight on a farm trip? (They could either have accommodations and/or you or you could bring a tent/sleeping setup.)
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Are there any farms you know about who might be open to taking on volunteers of various skills/experiences? If so, please write the name of the farm below or email
Getting there
Some travel will be necessary for most farm trips. Determining which works for each individual - and as small groups - will be important to make sure people feel safe and comfortable.
What is your car/travelling situation? This is going to vary. Some have cars, some don't. Some might want people to be vaccinated, some might want folks to be masked up with windows down. Check all that apply. (see next prompt for follow-up)
(Travel situation continued) If you are cool with driving folks, do you have expectations for passengers as they related to COVID protocol (ie vaccinated, tested, masked up, windows down, etc)
Some farmers who are doing awesome things are further away from the Cities than others. They could use support too! Would you be up for travelling 2-3 hours to visit / help out a farm? If so, what are the conditions that would make that trip possible for you (ie gas money, accommodations, mission of farm, projects to work on, ownership, staying overnight)?
Any ideas for farm trips/partnerships, comments, questions or concerns you’d like to share in support of Farm Buds doing the best we can do?
Contact Info - you made it!
This is so we can be as organized as possible. Thank you for being awesome!
Name (First Last)
Email address
Phone number
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