1-1 Coaching Application
I'm so excited to learn more about you and your career journey. Please fill out this application so I can determine if you and I may be a good fit to work together.

After you fill out this application, sit tight. I will be in touch within 24 business hours.
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Did someone refer you? If so please provide their full name in the space below.
Tell me about yourself and your current situation when it comes to your career.
What is your #1 struggle when it comes to your career?
What is your #1 career goal that you want to accomplish in the next 6 months?
What do you think is stopping you from reaching this on your own? (The more specific you are, the more I can help you on the call!)
Are you ready to make a financial investment to transform your life and career? Chelsea's 1:1 coaching packages range from $3500-$5500 with payment plans available.
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