Impact Interns Student Information Session
Please sign up below to attend a 30-minute Do Good Institute virtual information session where you can learn more about the Impact Interns program. Each event will contain a brief 10-minute presentation followed by plenty of time for questions and tips about resumes and cover letters.

After signing up here, you will receive a calendar invitation with a link to the video conference.

If you have any questions, please visit or email Catherine Curtis at

See you soon!

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What is your first name? *
What is your last name?  *
What is your email address? *
Which session would you like to attend? *
An email with details and Zoom link will be sent for the session you plan to attend. You are welcome to attend multiple sessions for additional support if you choose.
Do you have any questions already that you would like us to go over in the session?
How did you hear about Impact Interns? *
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