Enduring Word Speaking Request
Thank you for your interest in having Pastor David speak at your event. Completing this form is the first step in making that happen.

Pastor David makes significant space in his schedule to preach and teach the Bible. But as you probably understand, his schedule fills up very quickly. Speaking requests given at least 60 days prior to an event and opportunities to speak to pastors and Christian leaders are given priority.
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Contact Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Event Information
Event Name *
Organization Sponsoring Event *
Event Start Date *
Event Start Time *
Event End Date *
What is the purpose and vision of this event? *
Event theme or Bible passage (if applicable)
Who is this event attempting to reach? What is the target audience of the event? *
Who are other people invited to speak at your event? *
If your event is a conference with other speakers, when would you like David to speak at your event? (i.e. opening, closing, keynote, etc.) *
How many times would you like David to speak? *
Beyond speaking, are there any other events that you'd like Pastor David to be apart of? (i.e. panel discussions, workshops, communion, interviews etc.)
Are there any specific topics or passages you'd like David to teach on?
Location and travel information
Street Address of Event *
City *
State (province) *
Postal Code (zip) *
Country *
Which airport would David fly into? (if applicable)
What is the travel time from the airport to the event?
Will you be able to cover Pastor David's travel expenses? (flight and ground transportation) *
Pastor David often prefers to travel with his wife or a designated travel companion. Will you be able to cover their travel expenses as well? *
Will you provide Pastor David transportation to and from the airport? *
Planned Honorarium Amount *
If travel expenses and an honorarium are to be paid, please make payment to “Enduring Word.” The tax ID is available upon request.
Please send (check the boxes that apply)
Other comments or thoughts for Pastor David
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