(J207)History:Mythology VI
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1. Heracles kills his family, because he is made 'MAD' or crazy by ______________, who hated him. *
1 point
2. Heracles was told to find his ________ to get his punishment. *
1 point
3. Heracles must do ________ impossible tasks (jobs). How many? Type the number! *
1 point
4. Heracles's first job was to kill a _______. *
1 point
5. Heracles is often seen wearing the skin of this animal, but what did he use to cut the skin off the animal? *
1 point
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6-9. For his first 4 jobs, Heracles... *
4 points
Boar / Wild pig
Cut the skin off a...
Cut the heads off a...
chased a very fast...
followed this animal into a moutain of snow.
10.  For his 5th task to clean the stables filled with poo-poo, Heracles... *
1 point
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11-13. For his next three jobs, Heracles had to beat... *
3 points
A Crazy Bull
Poisonous birds
Monster Horses
14. His 9th task, Heracles had to find the queen of the amazons and get her _________. *
1 point
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15. For his 10th task, Heracles had to beat a Giant with... *
1 point
16.-17 The King said Heracles must do 2 more jobs because.... (choose 2!) *
2 points
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18. For his 11th task, Heracles had to find.... *
1 point
19. For his 12 task, Heracles had to go... *
1 point
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20.  For this story, the storyteller decided to make the story look like... *
1 point
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A Roman Joke
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