Lecture 1: An Introduction to Cryptocurrency
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What is the double-spending problem? *
1 point
Select one or more key insights by Satoshi Nakamoto to solve the problem which plagued all previous e-cash protocols? *
2 points
What is a Bitcoin address or Ethereum account? *
1 point
What is trust engineering? *
1 point
What is a block producer not trusted to enforce in a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ethereum?
5 points
What does an attacker need to forge a signature from your public key?
1 point
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Who pays for a transaction? *
1 point
Is a block producer also a node on the network? *
1 point
What is a block? *
1 point
Does proof of work help scale transactions on the network? *
1 point
Why do we need a leader election?
2 points
What properties can we find in proof of work? *
3 points
What is a fork in the chain's tip? *
1 point
Why do we need a fork choice rule? *
1 point
Can a transaction get dropped (reversed) after it is confirmed?
1 point
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What is the recommended number of confirmations to wait for a Bitcoin transaction? *
1 point
How are new coins issued on a network like Bitcoin or Ethereum?
1 point
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