The October 2023 theme for all classes is "Fun on the Farm". The class is located at my home studio on Glenwood Rd in Port Orchard. Please fill out the information below to register. Be sure to indicate which class time you would like to attend.
Each child must have one caregiver present who must remain with the child at all times. Due to space limitations, siblings outside the age range of the class (2-4) or extra adults may not attend. If you are interested in more than one day or time, please let me know in the notes and I will reach out to you if your first choice of class is full.
The cost of the class is $85 for 4 weekly 40-minute classes. This also includes a unique packet of extension activities to take home each week. Once I receive the minimum number of sign ups required to run the class, you will be emailed a payment link and will need to submit payment online in order to complete registration and secure your child's spot in the class. There are no refunds for missed classes, but I can share our playlist so you can listen to and sing the songs at home.
If you have questions, please email Brianna Howland at . Thank you!