Mentorship Application
Through this document I declare my interest in participating in the selection process of mentors who will accompany the startups of the Softlanding programs organized by The Venture Builder.

That, in the event of being selected, I undertake to:

  • That my sessions will be held ONLINE without the need to travel with the aim of helping startups, advising them in my areas of expertise, so that they can succeed, holding online sessions with a dedication of at least 1 hour per week.
  • I commit to focusing on each startup's anticipated "deliverables" at the end of each session. Deliverables are documents (Google Doc) that the entrepreneur will have worked on for at least 4 hours in workshops held before his session.
  • For the tutoring sessions, I can choose the activities you want to dedicate to.

I certify that:
  • I meet all legal requirements to be able to issue an invoice, complying with all regulations to be up to date with payments. I assume that this advice is a temporary provision of services within the scope of a commercial relationship that does not imply any employment relationship with The Venture Builder. .
  • I have a vast experience and knowledge to help startups, reviewing and improving their services. Each selected result defines the day of the week on which you will be invited to do the session with the mentor assigned to you.
  • Your responsibility as a mentor consists of helping the startups to improve the content of a delivery, solving their difficulties, writing their feedback in each document, offering advice and improvements.

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