Computer Operator or Equivalent Post (Non Gazatted First Class, Bibidh Service)
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1. IBM 1401 was brought to prepare the census report of …
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2. Transistor is related to ….. generation computer
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3. The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal’s computer is an example of an enforcement specially called
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4. An area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed is
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5. For reproducing sound, a CD (compact disk) audio player uses a …..
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6. Unicode Standard is ….
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7. A fault in a computer program which prevents it from working correctly is known as
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8. Program developed according to the requirement specific to an office is …
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9. The difference between people with access to computers and the internet and those without these access is known as the
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10. Cache memory …..
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11. Which one of the following printers is suitable for printing sprocket fed carbon copies?
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12. …… are set of rules and procedures to control the data transmission over the internet
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13. Which of the following is a file attribute?
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14. …… are used to identify a user who returns to a website?
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15. Windows 7 supports which of the following file system?
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16. Which among the following are the best tools for fixing errors in disk
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17. …… runs on computer hardware and serve as platform for other software to run on
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18. The operating system creates ….. from the physical computer
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19. The primary function of an operating system is
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20. Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for
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21. Which tab in Font dialog box contains options to apply font effects?
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22. Which of the following is not of the merge process?
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23. A screen element of MS Word that is usually located below the title bar that provides categorized options is
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24. A word processor would most likely be used to do
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25. If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu will you choose?
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26. ….. is a tool in Word which apply same format to different character/paragraphs?
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27. …. Switch the page between portrait and landscape layout
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28. …. Enables several people to work to create and update a document
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29. When a hyperlink is created, Word formats the web address as …..
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30. Workbook is collection of
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31. Shortcut key to bring format cells dialog box is:
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32. The cell reference $A$5 is a …..
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33. Function to get some of the contents of the cells A1, A2, B1, B2 is ….
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34. To edit the contents of cell
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35. Graphical representation of worksheet data
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36. Filter option is used to ….
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37. The formula =if(A1>B1, A1-B1, B1-A1) gives
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38. How do you display updatable current date in MS Excel?
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39. A function inside another function is called
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40. What are the different views to display a table?
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41. In a database table, the category of information is called
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42. This key uniquely identify each record
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43. ….. enables you to view data from a table based on a specific criterion
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44. A database language concerned with the definition of the whole database structure and schema is
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45. In Microsoft PowerPoint in order to see all the slides on one screen you use
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46. What are the three options available in Insert >> Picture menu
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47. Which of the following font effect is not available in PowerPoint font dialog box?
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48. Full form of HTML is
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49. In HTML ….. tag is used for linking an external document
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50. To set the background color we use
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