NCGA Veteran's Discounts/Benefits
The NCGA established a Veteran’s Resource Page several years ago to include information on golf benefits and activities that are available to military veterans in our region. We will be sure to include these benefits on our Veterans Resource Page, which can be found at

All NCGA Veterans will be issued an NCGA Veterans Card, which can be shown at the course to provide proof of Veteran Status. Thank you for any benefits that your course can provide for NCGA Military Veterans. Please complete the form below and your information will be included on the NCGA Veteran’s page of the website.
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Contact Information
Course Name *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Title *
Veterans Discount
In the section below please write in what kind of Veteran's discount or benefit your course will provide. For example:
- $10 off regular green fees
- Free bucket of range balls with paid green fees
- 5% discount on Proshop merchandise
Desired Veterans Discount *
Authorization *
Comments or Questions
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