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When is your training session scheduled? *
Date format: MM-DD-YY
Where is your training session scheduled? *
Ex: Base, conference, city
Which training session are you scheduled to attend? *
What is your age? *
What is your gender? *
Are you now or were you recently part of the Armed Forces? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, which component? *
If you are a member of the Armed Forces, does the physical location of your base impact your ability to run? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, what adjustments do you make to decrease the impact on your ability to run?
Have you experienced a running injury in the 6 months prior to training? *
Are you currently injured? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, how severe would you consider the injury? *
In the 6 months prior to training, how many days did you miss running due to injury? *
In the 6 months prior to training, did you experience more than 1 injury? *
If yes, please indicate the total number of injuries
If you were injured in the 6 months prior to training, where was the injury located? *
Why do you run? *
Select all that apply
How many miles per week do you currently walk/run? *
MPW = Miles Per Week
On average, how many days per week do you walk/run? *
How long have you been running? *
I include running as part of my activity/fitness *
How many days per week do you engage in vigorous activity of at least 30 minutes per day? *
What type of runner are you? *
What type of surface do you typically run on? *
Select all that apply
What type of shoe do you wear? *
What is your perceived exertion and discomfort of running *
Very easy / Very comfortable
Very high / Very uncomfortable
When running, how does your foot strike the ground? *
Have you ever tried to change your running form? *
Do you perform other forms of exercise? *
Select all that apply
What tools, if any, would help you better prepare for the Physical Fitness Assessment? *
Ex: schedules, videos/materials running form, supplemental exercises, training principles, footwear, etc.
Please enter your e-mail address *
Email address is used only for sending post-training questionnaires - no other use authorized
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