Parent Survey
Are you a parent who has experience with child protective services? We want your feedback on a survey that we’re creating. We want to make sure we’re asking the right questions.

If you:

- Are a parent/caregiver
- Have experience with child protective services
- Have access to a smart phone or computer for an interview

We want to talk to you!

Our goal is to find ways to make surveys easy to understand and complete. During the call we will share some examples with you to get your feedback and ideas to help us design a good survey.

The call will be held over video chat for about 90 minutes, you will be compensated $50 for your time.

Sign up below!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Ethnicity *
Zipcode *
Phone number
Email Address *
Are you familiar with using Zoom for the interview? *
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