MovieBob or Nazi/Neonazi 4.0 : The Finale
This quiz was made for the EFAP podcast, so if you do not watch it most of the jokes will not make sense. However, the quiz is still fully functional as a demonstration of how insane MovieBob is. I'm sorry about not giving sources for these quotes because I only thought about doing that halfway through making this quiz. However, All of the MovieBob quotes are sourced from his twitter. The Nazi quotes have primary been sourced from Mein Kampf and the Daily Stormer.
Hi Wag's
Hello all my N-words, this quiz will test the limits of your massive intelligence. Even the great Spider Oracles had trouble divining the correct answers.
"Wow, it's really hard to tell the difference between the quotes"- Adolf Hitler
I plan on making a condensed quiz based on the best questions from this quiz. Once I get around 200-300 responses, i'll make the condensed quiz and link it here:
The way this quiz works is that you will be given a quote. You have to decide if it is a Nazi quote or a MovieBob quote. You have to do this for a total of 100 quotes. The Nazi quotes could be from any Nazi; from the Original funny mustache man and his edgy book to whatever tismy stuff I could find on Richard Spencer's twitter. Also, I removed some of the words that make it obvious who the quote is from. I will censor the obvious word by putting THEME in the censored word's place. Some examples of these potential words would be Jew, Germany, or Nazi. Additionally, I had to fix the grammar of MoviesBob's quotes. If I didn't you could just choose the quotes that were crimes against the English language and get all the correct answers. Finally, I updated some of the language in the Hitler quotes because they use words that no-one uses anymore. With the instructions out of the way, please enjoy this quiz brought to you by Adam Hilt.
Also MauLer, after you take the quiz I can send you the statistics for the quiz on discord.