MovieBob or Nazi/Neonazi 4.0  : The Finale
 This quiz was made for the EFAP podcast, so if you do not watch it most of the jokes will not make sense. However, the quiz is still fully functional as a demonstration of how insane MovieBob is.  I'm sorry about not giving sources for these quotes because I only thought about doing that halfway through making this quiz. However, All of the MovieBob quotes are sourced from his twitter. The Nazi quotes have primary been sourced from Mein Kampf and the Daily Stormer.                                                                      

Hi Wag's

Hello all my N-words, this quiz will test the limits of your massive intelligence. Even the great Spider Oracles had trouble divining the correct answers.

"Wow, it's really hard to tell the difference between the quotes"- Adolf Hitler

I plan on making a condensed quiz based on the best questions from this quiz. Once I get around 200-300 responses, i'll make the condensed quiz and link it here:


The way this quiz works is that you will be given a quote. You have to decide if it is a Nazi quote or a MovieBob quote. You have to do this for a total of 100 quotes. The Nazi quotes could be from any Nazi; from the Original funny mustache man and his edgy book to whatever tismy stuff I could find on Richard Spencer's twitter. Also, I removed some of the words that make it obvious who the quote is from. I will censor the obvious word by putting THEME in the censored word's place. Some examples of these potential words would be Jew, Germany, or Nazi. Additionally, I had to fix the grammar of MoviesBob's quotes. If I didn't you could just choose the quotes that were crimes against the English language and get all the correct answers.  Finally, I updated some of the language in the Hitler quotes because they use words that no-one uses anymore. With the instructions out of the way, please enjoy this quiz brought to you by Adam Hilt.

Also MauLer, after you take the quiz I can send you the statistics for the quiz on discord.
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I'm not going to lie, MovieBob Looks more like a War criminal than Hitler.
Drill Sergeant Bobby is going to chew out the new recruits .
 MAKE SURE YOU READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE STARTING --------                                                                        Quote 1:       " I'll never forgive the troglodytes who stole the future I EARNED to prolong their worthless existence." *
5 points
Quote 2:        " I think that human beings, if you talk about our differences in terms of talent or intelligence, or any other area, that doesn't necessarily make an individual human being inferior, or a race inferior." *
5 points
Quote 3:       "All America politics of my lifetime have been about backwards people wedded to an inferior present trying to prevent a superior future. I am so very,very tired of being denied a better world because of the small visions and smaller minds afflicting so much of humanity." *
5 points
Quote 4:     “Instruction in world history in the so-called high schools is even today in a very sorry condition. Few teachers understand that the study of history can never be to learn historical dates and events by heart; that what matters is not whether the child knows exactly when this battle or that was fought, when a general was born, or even when a monarch was coronated. To "learn" history means to seek and find the forces which are the causes leading to those effects which we subsequently perceive as historical events.” *
5 points
Quote 5:         "At some point, you have to choose to be a party to meaningful societal evolution and accept that not everyone is going to follow you into the future. Some will choose to remain backward and be left behind." *
5 points
Quote 6:    "When intelligent members of society become unable to overrule the ignorant, society falls." *
5 points
Quote 7:       "There is forward and there is backward. Superior future and inferior past. The evolved and the intelligent versus the ignorant and small-minded." *
5 points
Quote 8:     "There are times when I really hate that Jim Crow-era laws ruined the idea of intelligence testing for voting" *
5 points
Quote 9:    "We must become revolutionaries. We must bypass or shatter existing institutions and make them anew. The sellouts who constitute the old elite must be removed, forever. We must constitute a new elite. A daunting goal, perhaps. But the only goal that makes sense." *
5 points
Quote 10:        "Ask them to defend themselves. Give them that opportunity. They will give you nothing because they have nothing. These are the faces of evil." *
5 points
Quote 11:      "I don’t see any moral difference between a suicide bomber and somebody in a F-16 fighter jet who fires a missile into an apartment complex and then kills 10 or 15 little girls and boys. I don’t see much difference there. In fact, I think the pilot is a greater offender, he’s getting medals, while the suicide bomber is sacrificing his life for what he believes in." *
5 points
Quote 12:        "Here's something you should know about me, I "believe" that there is (almost) no such thing as a bad tactic, only bad targets." *
5 points
Quote 13:       "Once we stop rejecting the basic truths of the Universe and instead reject THEME our civilization will be a hundred times more efficient. Once we rid ourselves of THEME the stars will not be far outside our grasp." *
5 points
Quote 14:         "It's possible to see that this is the world, and to be angry about it, and to reject false compromise with the other side, without also not recognizing the various complexities and nuances within movements and communities they condemn." *
5 points
Quote 15:      "People who have no understanding of the political world around them have no right to criticize or complain about our superior future." *
5 points
Quote 16:        "History likes to forget that THEME often grow to assault true progress when the backward and mediocre feel left out of it." *
5 points
Quote 17:          "Don't tell me to buy inferior products or hire less capable or qualified workers to artificially inflate a semblance of performance." *
5 points
Quote 18:       “The American president increasingly used his influence to create conflicts, intensify existing conflicts, and, above all, to keep conflicts from being resolved peacefully. For years this man looked for a conflict anywhere in the world, but preferably in THEME, that he could use to create political entanglements with American economic obligations to one of the contending sides, which would then steadily involve America in the conflict and thus divert attention from his own confused domestic economic policies.” *
5 points
Quote 19:     "There needs to be a separate category of biology distinguishing THEME from properly evolved human beings." *
5 points
Quote 20:          "My dream solution: All the good THEME remove themselves from the fray. Let the failed husk collapse in on itself. deprived of all worthy intellects." *
5 points
Quote 21:        "When I say vast swathes of humanity are beneath contempt, I speak from knowledge, and some of you dare to give me the side-eye for calling these THEMES less than human." *
5 points
Quote 22:       "This nation cannot continue letting its future direction be decided by a minority of its least intelligent, most backward-looking people." *
5 points
Quote 23:        "There is, for example, the question of how we came to the preposterous state of affairs prevailing today, wherein we place the destiny of our nations, our planet, and our families in the hands of a mass of voters whose powers of judgment are manifested in such things as the type of television entertainment their preferences have pushed into prime time and the type of men they have elected to public office. And there is the equally weighty question of how, knowing the ease with which this mass is misled, we permitted virtually all of the media of mass information and entertainment to fall into the hands of THEME whose interests are so diametrically opposed to our own." *
5 points
Quote 24:        "THEME is the only way forward for genuine human and technological progress. The alternative is the cave." *
5 points
Quote 25:        "Better human beings; upward evolution; THEME: That is the way, the only way, to find the answers to the questions that even our greatest philosophers and thinkers have been unable to answer so far." *
5 points
Quote 26:        "Trump has opened the door to nationalism in this country — not American nationalism but the white race. Once that door has fully swung open, you can’t close it." *
5 points
Quote 27:        "Socialism is the final concept of duty, the ethical duty of work, not just for oneself but also for one’s fellow man’s sake, and above all the principle: Common good before own good, a struggle against all partisanism. And we are aware that in this fight we can rely on no one but our own people." *
5 points
Quote 28:        “It is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to realize that his own opinion is of no importance in comparison with the existence of the nation, that the position of the individual is conditioned solely by the interests of the people as a whole.” *
5 points
Quote 29:        "Every time a fellow white person asks me if i'd want to be a minority in my own country, I tell them, I am already a minority in this country. " *
5 points
Quote 30:        "THEMES, often film executives or financial moguls, sexually use and abuse women by the thousands, decade after decade, and almost always get away with it. Nobody gets punished. Nobody goes to jail. Every now and then, someone gets exposed publicly for what they are, but it all blows over and the practice continues unabated. Sometimes one of these THEMES is so egregious in his perversion or aggression that he’s thrown to the wolves by his fellow THEMES, such as happened to Harvey Weinstein recently. Weinstein is still freely roaming the streets of LA and New York City, but it’s hard to believe that that will last too much longer considering that a dozen out of his scores of victims have accused him directly of forcible rape. But you never know — this is America, after all, and THEMES are very, very special here." *
5 points
Quote 31:        "History will eventually remember THEME as a hero, however imperfect, who was failed by the country they tried to save" *
5 points
Quote 32:       " I will never forgive THEME for this, A superior global future was in sight, and they threw it away." *
5 points
Quote 33:        "And that is really the only possible response to that question, because this film does not even bother to attempt to provide any form of plausible deniability; this is a shameless celebration of violence by white men against a society "that has abandoned them." Joker is a love letter to mass shooters." *
5 points
Quote 34:          " The nation I love and thought was heading in the right direction is failing and I can only blame the ignorance of my fellow countrymen." *
5 points
Quote 35:         "The fact that no one wants to hear is this, not everyone gets to "win", even if you yourself aren't a "THEME." THEME is a superior way forward into a better future for a better world." *
5 points
Quote 36:         "I've always felt in some way apart from THEME, but never so much as right now. How can I share DNA with these monsters?" *
5 points
Quote 37:        "It's a shame that we leave the abilities of the nation at the mercy of citizens who act with these abilities lightly and as if they were playing a game." *
5 points
Quote 38:        "Freedom of expression is nice, but it becomes a factor of corruption and corruption if not exercised within the limits set by the interest of the nation." *
5 points
Quote 39:        "THEME are not motivated by the desire to defend a scientific idea or to spread this idea, but by the bigotry of opinion, idea, or belief." *
5 points
Quote 40:          "THEME were given a choice to evolve and become a superior THEME or stagnate and remain inferior.  The "majority" chose wrong." *
5 points
Quote 41:          "In those days I was stupid enough to try to enlighten THEME about the meaninglessness of their beliefs.  I thought I could show them the danger of THEME, but I was getting the opposite result." *
5 points
Quote 42:       "I'm not for the correct action to be overridden in favor of the will of the stupid, just because they happen to occupy more space." *
5 points
Quote 43:            " As for democracy, I believe in results and long-term vision. Systems? Not so much. In this regard, I'm closer to a technocrat." *
5 points
Quote 44:        " "Hey, let's leave MASSIVELY important geopolitical decisions with potential global impact up to a public vote!"- No one smart. This is a really bad idea. Your fellow THEME failed you. I know the feeling." *
5 points
Quote 45:     "THEME cannot be won over, saved, or reasoned with. They need to be defeated, along with their values and political power." *
5 points
Quote 46:      "Most people don't know what is best for them and , in taking actions under the assumption that they do, often mess things up for us." *
5 points
Quote 47:     " Sometimes I am dumbfounded. I don't know what amazed me more, the abundance of their verbiage or the artful way in which they dressed up their falsehoods, I hate them." *
5 points
Quote 48:         "The superior future of the United States is technological and THEME. Until then, a lot of noise." *
5 points
Quote 49             “So long as there are employers who attack social understanding and have wrong ideas of justice and fair play it is not only the right but also the duty of their employee to protect their general interests against the greed and unreasonableness of the individual.” *
5 points
Quote 50:           "Yes, I condemn “democracy” as it currently exists in the country which is, quite anachronistically, still called by the name “United States of America.” *
5 points
Here is a nice picture to mark the halfway point.
Quote 51:      "Within my lifetime, one of these THEME are going to make their own country, institute basically socialism to "streamline" the economy and act like they invented something totally new." *
5 points
Quote 52: "THEME and THEME represent two distinctively divergent, irreconcilable paths of societal development, and they are in conflict. One will defeat the other, and there will either be a future for THEME ... or there will not." *
5 points
Quote 53:          "Hell yes, America should confiscate the wealth of millionaire traitors. We're not going to allow it to be used to  erode the rights of our fellow Americans anymore." *
5 points
Quote 54:         "People like this are the base-level source of the soul-sickness that holds our whole society back from becoming the better world that the intelligent and worthwhile THEME deserve." *
5 points
Quote 55:              "It will be great when this is over and I can go back to despising backwards human filth threatening our future without hearing their bullshit regurgitated by THEMES or the media telling me I should feel sorry for them." *
5 points
Quote 56           "Each of us must decide just how far we will let the situation in America deteriorate into backwardness and THEME, before we decide to take action to correct it. I urge you to become involved. For your children’s sake, if not for your own." *
5 points
Quote 57:          "Some of the most dishonest people can be identified by the use of the phrase "war never solved anything." Of course it does.  If they were honest, they would say THEME never solves problems." *
5 points
Quote 58:         "Marriage must, indeed, be refounded on a much more radical level than that imagined by the Egalitarian Religious Right and Constitutionalists." *
5 points
Quote 59:         "The only reason to fear THEME is if you are a weak or worthless person who can only hope to hold social power by THEME. A truly superior individual would not resist an evolving world." *
5 points
Quote 60:         "The US is only going to stagnate until people get on-board with the idea that THEME, as a mindset, place, and demographic needs to be aggressively beaten, constrained, and negated to the point of erasure by any means available. We must do this if our people are going to progress at all." *
5 points
Quote 61:             "I don't think that anyone is less than human, just less than me. Don't give upset about it, tons of people are beneath me." *
5 points
Quote 62:         "At a certain point, you have to become comfortable with the idea that a huge swaths of people are so THEME and THEME that they barely qualify as human." *
5 points
Quote 63:          "All THEME are unsalvageable, failed humans. Reject them and push them out." *
5 points
Quote 64:        " "Normal" people are trash. No-one that ever mattered was "normal." Exceptional, elite people build and drive the world, and get called THEME for their trouble." *
5 points
Quote 65:       " Imagine how annoying the people harassing me would be if I could bring myself to think of them as humans." *
5 points
Quote 66:        "If THEME prevails as the driving force of the 21st century, you can kiss everything from space travel to disease cures goodbye." *
5 points
Quote 67:        "It is necessary for human evolution that the individual should work with the spirit of sacrifice in favor of the common good. We should not be influenced by the terrible opinions of those idiots who pretend to know better than THEME." *
5 points
Quote 68:      "It is okay to dehumanize people because they are THEME. Did we forget this at some point? Did they not have THEME when growing up?" *
5 points
Quote 69:         " Stop treating these THEME like people. THEME are not redeemable and not worth redeeming in the first place. They're the justly-forgotten remnants of an inferior world that we have evolved beyond and escaped." *
5 points
Quote 70:         "There are only two possibilities for THEME, people won't chose the party of compromises forever. There can be no compromise. There are only two possibilities: either victory for us, or annihilation of the future and the victory for the THEME." *
5 points
Quote 71:         "There can be no unprovoked violence against a THEME. The sole aim and focus of their philosophical existence is violence. If you take up that identity, you've already declared violent intent. Anything done in response is just varying levels on self-defense. " *
5 points
Quote 72:        "Morals are made up by addled old men who think they can talk to clouds and "value" is subjective. We should prefer knowledge, wisdom too." *
5 points
Quote 73:               “I joined the THEME party because I'm a revolutionary, not because of any ideological nonsense.” *
5 points
Quote 74:                 "Money stinks of capitalist democracy. Money has made slaves of us. Money is the curse of mankind. It destroys everything great and good. Every dollar is sticky with sweat and blood." *
5 points
Quote 75:              "Lenin is the greatest man, second only to Hitler, and that the difference between Communism and the Hitler's ideology is very small." *
5 points
Quote 76:               "We need to redefine the concept of "democracy", so that people of intelligence and reason can step in when THEME make a bad decision." *
5 points
Quote 77:                   "Conspiracy theories are absurd and childish, but they demonstrate that the entire concept of democracy is stupid, because the great masses of people will believe any sort of total gibberish if it makes them feel good. *
5 points
Quote 78:             "Fortunately, demographics are squeezing these "people" out of having a say.  Its just not happening fast enough. If we don't do something they will mess it up for us before they can be removed and rendered irrelevant" *
5 points
Quote 79:                  "Cyberpunk 2077 appears to be a full-Nazi game. These are the same people who did the Witcher series, which was based on Polish mythology and basically a Nazi game." *
5 points
Quote 80:           "I'm being as calm and decent as I can under the circumstances, but I'm as close to my last straw as I can get with trying to see redeemability in the worst of "humanity"." *
5 points
Quote 81:             "The "rehabilitation" of terrible people is a nice thought, but its grounded in concepts of empathy that are often misplaced and the increasingly outdated prospect that "broken" bad-eggs can be reconfigured to perform some socially useful function." *
5 points
Quote 82:           "I've found that a closed fist to be a solid place to start, but there is plenty of variety beyond that. At the end of the day, they are just bones and meat; and sufficiently cowed most will stifle before you have to break any of that." *
5 points
Quote 83:            "Democracy is a failed system, because the masses are not capable of making informed decisions about the way governments function. They are extremely susceptible to the technologies of advertisement, which are used by the media to shape opinions on issues." *
5 points
Quote 84:                "Socialism isn't the problem, it has a problem- namely that its primary proponents are THEME." *
5 points
Quote 85:                     "It is the duty of properly evolved humans to prove that we are not THEME or the worthless trash people who support them." *
5 points
Quote 86:                "The argument could be made that the THEME vision of "progress" - rooted so heavily in romantic idealization the pre-mechanization/pre-digital working class, Is itself somewhat dated and hardly revolutionary anymore.I'm not really married to this idea. My revolution is my own" *
5 points
Quote 87:             "At some point it has to become alright to admit that there are to many humans beings at this point. people thing that it is wrong to propose a solution to this problem, but this "every life is sacred" belief is bullshit." *
5 points
Quote 88:           "The main thing that the "Right" has in common with the Left is the appeal to losing end of progress. Real progress, societal evolution to a better future - offers those worth it ascendance beyond obsolete "tradition." Those who don't measure up retreat into bitter envy." *
5 points
Quote 89:               "The future belongs to those with the imagination and will to think and act on a planetary scale.  The dialectic isn't "nationalism vs. globalism" (obviously, the nationalists will lose, and it won't be close). The question is what kind of "globalist" will determine the future of life on this planet. The battle has always been "THEME vs. THEME." *
5 points
Quote 90:             " I'm not a communist precisely because it's proven untenable. But it's a morally and intellectually sound philosophy on paper." *
5 points
Quote 91:             "At some point we need to stop treating "stupid" as functionally different from evil." *
5 points
Quote 92:         "This is the world you get when a plurality of your population is not only ignorant and culturally unevolved, but proud to be so. The irony is that the troglodytes voting for and supporting the THEME won't be saved by them." *
5 points
Quote 93:          "Overpopulation/"too many stupid people" is not eugenics. Eugenics is a "terrible" solution to overpopulation." *
5 points
Quote 94:            " Few things are genuinely better for your ego then realizing those aligned against you are irrelevant THEMES. I've learned to process this as proof of the validity of my beliefs." *
5 points
Quote 95:               "There is no meaningful far-left/far-right conflict in the U.S. What happened at Berkley is a gang of THEME attacking innocents whom they recognize as their betters.  The inheritors of a better Post-THEME American Future." *
5 points
Quote 96:                   " I sympathize with the desire to be bent by empathy for the THEME. I had the same weakness once. Understanding that their inability to be fixed was a failure of their's, and not mine, was one of the most freeing experiences of my life." *
5 points
Quote 97:                 "At the end of the day, the THEME era is a solid reminder that institutions are only worthwhile until they aren't. Then you throw them out and replace them with superior ones. The better Americans deserve a better America." *
5 points
Quote 98:               "All this cheating and skulduggery to protect a failed, inferior version of America that's never been worth keeping on life support and won't be missed by anyone who matters when it's replaced. So much wasted energy." *
5 points
Quote 99:                        "I'm not interested in parties. I'm interested in forward and backward. Evolution versus stagnation. Progress to the better future versus regression to the inferior past. Only two sides to any of that." *
5 points
Quote 100:                "That is the main reason why this kind of political activity is abhorrent to people of character and courage, while at the same time it attracts inferior people; for a person who is not willing to accept responsibility for his own actions, but is always seeking to blame someone else. If a leader comes from that lower class of politicians the consequences will become obvious when they mess it up for the rest of us." *
5 points
Thanks for taking this EPIK quiz. If you have any suggestions, have any quotes you think I can use in the quiz, or notice any problems let me know here. Thanks Mauler, Rag's, Wolf, Jay, and the rest for all the great EFAPs.  -Adam Hilt.
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