A Comedy By John Tobias
Director: Libby Wilson
Auditions Saturday 8 June, by appointment from 10:30am
ON STAGE: August 8th - 17th August
For further information email:
er.rose1992@gmail.com (please note, perusal scripts not available)
Harold arrives home one night, discusses the kids, what's for supper, etc. with his wife, Honey - until
he realises he is the wrong husband, she is the wrong wife and he is in the wrong apartment. So
begins this hilarious comedy about love, the life force and the real you in this age of shifting sexual
roles and future shock. Honey becomes entangled with Harold, with her tranquillised real husband,
Henry - who instead of acting like a betrayed spouse tries to sell everyone life insurance - and with
Harold's real wife, Gloria, who wins him back by reversing roles and emerging as the seductive other
woman. The climax is a comic on stage fight in which everyone relieves their pent up frustrations.
Character profiles a loose indication only. We're ultimately looking for the best cast and will scale ages up or down accordingly.
HONEY: Attractive, dark-haired housewife, late 20’s with innocent, perpetually hopeful air
HAROLD: 30-ish assistant systems analyst, awkwardly attractive, earnest quality
HENRY: 30-ish insurance salesman, slightly dazed, ploddingly earnest, one-track-mind
GLORIA: Attractive blonde housewife, 28 – 30, self assured manner, similar general size to Honey