Baptism  Application Form
Please fill in this form and press submit and the Baptism Team will contact you to book you in
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Name of Child / Children to be Baptised *
Name of Father and Occupation *
Father's email address *
Father's Phone Number *
Name of Mother and Occupation *
Mother's email address
Mothers Phone Number *
Address *
Child/Children's date of birth *
Sex of Child/Children *
Names of Godparents (4 max)
I / We give permission for the BDHW+W Team to hold these contact details solely to allow the team to contact us with details of our event *
I / We give permission for our child’s name to be printed on the weekly newssheet (also published on Parish Website) as part of the parish prayer ministry. *
I / We give permission for the BDHW+W Team to contact us with other relevant information about the special events and services.   *
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