Basic Sports Science - Quiz 4
Physiology - Part D. The Muscular System
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Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal muscles?
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Which of the following describes the property of "irritable" with regards to muscles?
1 point
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Which of the following describes the property of "contractible" with regards to muscles?
1 point
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Which of the following describes the property of "extensible" with regards to muscles?
1 point
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Which of the following describes the property of "elastic" with regards to muscles?
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Which of the following describes the property of "adaptibility" with regards to muscles?
1 point
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Muscle consist of muscle _____ which are in turn composed of myofibrils
1 point
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Myofibrils are wrapped in _____ to form fascicles
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The protective layer around myofibrils is called
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The contractive unit of a muscle is the
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A motor nerve will stimulate many muscle fibres creating a _________ unit
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Which of the following describes the "all or nothing" principle of muscle contraction?
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Which of the following describes the "gradation of force" principle of muscle contraction?
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Which of the following describes the "size" principle of muscle contraction?
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According to the "all or nothing" principle, when more force is required
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An example of the "all or nothing" principle is when you lift a light weight
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An example of the "gradation of force" principle is/are
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According to the "size principle" as we lift a heavy weight
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Which type of fibres are most resistant to fatigue?
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Which of the following are "fast twitch" fibres?
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Which of the following are "slow twitch" fibres?
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All humans have approximately the same proportions of slow twitch and fast twitch fibres
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Which of the following are "Type I" fibres?
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Which of the following are "Type IIa" fibres?
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Which of the following are "Type IIb" fibres?
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Which of the following is not true with regards to Type I fibres?
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Which of the following is incorrect with regards to Type IIa fibres?
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Which of the following is incorrect with regards to Type IIb fibres?
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Which of the following ranks Type I, Type IIa and Type IIb fibres in terms of the force they generate?
1 point
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Which of the following ranks Type I, Type IIa and Type IIb fibres in terms of the sequence of activation when lifting?
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Which of the following ranks Type I, Type IIa and Type IIb fibres in terms of their oxygen requirement and blood requirement?
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Which of the following ranks Type I, Type IIa and Type IIb fibres in terms of their tendency to become fatigued?
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Which type of fibre generates the most force?
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Which type of fibre does not use oxygen?
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Which type of fibre most readily becomes fatigued?
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Concentric contraction involves
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Eccentric contraction involves
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Isometric contraction involves
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The contraction of the biceps during a bicep curl is an example of a
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The slow release of the biceps following a bicep curl is an example of a
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The slow release of the biceps following a bicep curl is an example of a
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Holding the bicep curl for 5 seconds midway during the curl is an example of a/an
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Isometric contractions are important in many movements because they help to stabilize the joint
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Short-term strength gains are primarily due to
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Long-term strength gains are primarily due to
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