Ecumenical, Interfaith, and Inter-religious Participation and Partnership Survey (2019)
The CCUIR (Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Relationships) of the Northern Illinois Conference requests a few minutes of your time. Your responses will help us to better understand the important work congregations and individuals are already doing, as well as help us to better provide resources and opportunities to further what is already being done, and foster new possibilities.

Thank you so much for your response and your work.
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Email *
Church Name *
District *
Your Name *
Are you lay or clergy? *
What is your ministry context? *
If you selected "other" for your ministry context, please offer more details
What ecumenical, interfaith, and inter-religious partnerships (including advocacy groups), conversations, or activities are happening in your ministry context? Even if there are none, please provide a response. *
Would you or others from your congregation be interested in joining CCUIR? *
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