Contact information
Hello!!  Thanks for your interest in being added to our seasonal pickup routes!  Please enter the information requested below.  We will be in touch in the Spring once our routes are finalized with your exact pick up date.

***All blankets picked up during our seasonal routes will be returned to you between July and September.***

If you would like to ensure your blankets are finished earlier, our pickup/drop off service may not be for you.  It may be best for you to drop them off to our shop in May.  When they are finished, you will need to pick them up from our shop as well.
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Email *
Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Address where the blankets will be picked up *
About how many blankets do you have for pickup? *
Where specifically on your property will the blankets be located?

Most people leave them in the barn aisle or in a tractor barn.  If you are at a house with no barn, you can leave them on your porch etc, just let us know below!
Are you the owner/manager of the barn or property where we will be picking up the blankets? *
If no, please give us the name, number, and email of the best point of contact for this property.
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