Everyday Astronaut Aerospace Industry Coupon Code
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We live in an exciting time of scientific discovery and exploration, all thanks to you! You inspire me and provide me the fuel to keep producing content.

So, as a thank for your hard work, I'm happy to offer 25% off adult apparel in my webstore. We'll have to use the honor system here that you don't share this coupon code, but I know you're good at keeping secrets :D

As a way of providing proof you work in the aerospace industry, please enter your work email address below. We set up a super neat auto-robot that will instantly send you the coupon code, but it will only send emails to approved aerospace domains. So if your email is not on our list and you don't receive an immediately reply from the super neat auto-robot, please send proof of employment to shop@everydayastronaut.com to have your work domain added to the list.

Your work email will NEVER be used for marketing or any other purposes, it's only an automatic system we use to authenticate your involvement in the aerospace industry. It just shoots you a discount code to the email you provide. On check out, you do not need to use your work email.

Thanks again for all you do!
- Tim Dodd the Everyday Astronaut
Your Aerospace Email Address
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