Open Force Field Product Survey
The main purpose of this survey is to understand how the main OpenFF products -- the toolkit and force fields, are being used and how could we improve the user experience. The survey extends to explore your standard workflows and tools used in your daily work, and your experience with other components of OpenFF ecosystem, including QCArchive, ForceBalance and similar.

The survey might seem long and daunting, but all questions are optional and you can answer only those applicable to you and your experience. Most of them will require brief answers and the whole survey shouldn't take too much of your time. I understand that surveys are not the most exciting use of anyone's time and I don't like to fill them out myself, but they are really helpful for figuring out how we could improve our products. Please help us identify the weakest spots and the most impactful features that would make your experience better and our products more useful and valuable.

This survey was composed by Karmen Condic-Jurkic. For any questions or feedback, contact

Thank you all in advance - A LOT!
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OpenFF Toolkit experience
We are trying to find out how can we improve OpenFF Toolkit and which areas need the most attention for the future development purposes.
Have you successfully installed OpenFF Toolkit?
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Please specify which installation method you used:
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If you haven't successfully installed the toolkit, which of the following applies to you:
What is the main reason you haven't tried to install the toolkit?
If you had an installation error or any other technical difficulties, including poor documentation, please provide more information about your experience:
If you have successfully installed the OpenFF toolkit, how would you rate the ease of installation?
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How would you rate the quality of provided documentation?
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How would you rate your experience with using the OpenFF Toolkit?
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Were you able to perform your planned tasks with the available toolkit features?
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If you answered "No" in the previous question, please provide more information on why you weren't able to successfully complete your task:
What other features would you find useful / helpful in your work?
Open Force Fields use cases
We are trying to get a better understanding of the context and problem types where our force fields are being applied.
Have you tried using Open Force Fields?
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Which version(s) did you use, if known?
Is force field naming and versioning clear to you?
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To what kind of research problems have you applied Open Force Fields to? Eg. energy minimizations, test simulations, free energy calculations... Please be as specific as possible.
Please list all additional software (MD engines, file converters, etc) that you need to run your calculations with Open Force Fields.
Briefly describe your simulation preparation workflow when using Open Force Fields. For example, OFF Toolkit -> ParmEd -> Amber. Please note if you need to intervene manually in any of these steps.
How would you rate the ease of use of Open Force Fields with other software?
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Would you describe your calculations with Open Force Fields generally successful?
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If not, could please provide some insights as to why your calculations failed?
Standard workflows
We would like to learn more about your standard workflows and identify what are the major obstacles for easy use of our force fields.
Which MD software packages do you usually use to run your simulations:
Which software packages do you usually use to build your simulation systems?
Which small molecule force fields do you usually use?
Which protein force fields do you usually use?
Could you briefly describe your standard simulation preparation workflows, i.e with your standard software packages and force fields?
In what ways could we improve our software to make it easier to use with your standard workflows?
Other software in OpenFF ecosystem
We are trying to get some insights into which of the tools developed within the OpenFF Initiative and associated labs are being used by others.
Are you familiar with other tools developed within the OpenFF Initiative and associated research groups?
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Which of the following packages are familiar?
Have you used any of the other tools developed within the OpenFF Initiative and associated research groups?
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Please specify which tools have you used:
Have you used any functionality of QCArchive?
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Which part of the QCArchive infrastructure have you used?
How would you describe your experience with using QCArchive to access computed data?
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What could be done to improve your experience?
General comments
If you'd like to leave any additional comments and suggestions on topics not covered in the survey, you can do it below.
Additional feedback:
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