UMN Green Lab Certification Program Interest Form 
Thank you for you interest in the UMN Green Lab Certification Program! You are taking the first step towards more sustainable and efficient lab practices. Please fill out this form with the required information about the lab you are representing. 

The Office of Sustainability will follow up with next steps! 

For more information regarding the certification process please see this UMN Green Lab Certification Process & FAQs.

If you haven't yet please sign up for our Green Labs Newsletter!
Email *
Name *
Lab Name  *
UMN Department or College *
Briefly describe the type of research being done in your lab.  *
Lab Location  *
Please include the room number, building name, and campus (East Bank, West Bank, or St Paul)
Role  *
Is your lab currently implementing any lab sustainability practices? If so, briefly provide an explanation.
How did you hear about this program?
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