Mineral Springs Park - Dog Contest Sign Up
Please join us for a FREE outdoor movie & dog pawty on Saturday, September 15th in Mineral Springs Park. Doors open at 6pm with dog contests starting at 6:45pm, and the outdoor movie at 7:30pm.

Prizes for 1st and 2nd place for Best Trick,  Best Costume and Miss/Mr Congeniality

For any questions, please email LoveLicton@gmail.com or visit bit.ly/seattlemovie
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What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
What's the dog's name? *
What contest would you like to register for? *
I acknowledge that all dogs must have their shots up to date and be kept on leash at all times. *
I release, indemnify and hold harmless, Seattle Parks & Recreation staff and volunteers, sponsors, and any attendees from any and all liability, damage, claim of any nature whatsoever arising out of and in any way related to my/my dog’s attendance. *
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