Virtual Meeting Platforms: Government Control and Corporate Compliance | December 3, 2020 @8pm EST
The Human Rights Program at Roosevelt House presents

Virtual Meeting Platforms: Government Control and Corporate Compliance

Thursday, December 3, 2020 @8pm EST via Zoom:

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, social networking and virtual meeting platforms are used now more than ever, as millions of people around the world have had to quickly adjust and find new ways to connect and communicate. This discussion will explore the roles and responsibilities of these corporations in ensuring open access to the communication channels they create and responding to government regulation of social networking platforms, as well as informal efforts to exert control over public speech.


- Teng Biao, Grove Human Rights Scholar and President of China Against the Death Penalty
- Dr. Erica Basu, Researcher and Adjunct Lecturer at American University's School of Communication
- Moderated by Paul Mozur, Tech Correspondent at The New York Times

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