GPFL Active Membership Form Submission
This form will be active from the start of the next Annual General Membership Meeting (AMM) until the AMM of the following year.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name  (as it appears on voter i.d.) *
Last Name (as it appears on voter i.d.) *
Middle Name  or Initial
Voter ID #
(Locate your Voter I.D. here:
Preferred name, if different from given name above
County *
Residential Address (address, apt #, city, zip) *
Telephone number
Registered Green?
Clear selection
Not Registered Green? (Check all which apply)
Are you currently in contact with a local Green affiliate?
Please note:
All registered Green Party of Florida voters are eligible to vote in person at local or state party meetings and conventions. Active membership in the GPFL can be affirmed by filling out and submitting this digital form to GPFL. Any Florida resident ineligible to vote due to: being a minor, (but 14 or older), a non-citizen, or having lost the right to vote, may also affirm membership in the GPFL by the same procedure. Contact the GPFL at or call ‪813-291-2345‬ to volunteer with the state party or get information about a GPFL affiliate in your area.
Digital signature *
Inspired to join a team, follow your interests, apply or expand your skills? Fill out the volunteer survey here. (this is on, national's site, and is shared with us)
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