Harmful Language Reporting Form 

The Cannell Library is committed to updating language that is in our control to edit. Submitting the form below will help us identify descriptions that may require revision. Please see our full statement on Harmful Language. 

Please note that reporting an item does not guarantee that it will be removed or edited. We will review the language and, as appropriate, update it with respectful and inclusive language. In those cases where that may not be possible, the Library will consider alternative measures for remediation including but not limited to adding language to contextualize the harmful content or replacing the resource with a similar one without harmful content. 

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1. Where did you find problematic language on our website? Please share the URL(s) of each webpage where you found problematic language.  *
2.  Please copy and paste the problematic text from the webpage(s) you encountered.  *
3. What did you find harmful/offensive about this language? 
4.  What action do you think the library should take about this particular resource?  *
5.  We acknowledge the emotional and mental labor that goes into providing such feedback and appreciate the time you took. If you would like us to contact you regarding any decisions, we make on the language you reported, please provide your email below.  *
Thank you for helping the library with this effort. 
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