Application for South Portland 2025 Summer Concerts
South Portland's Parks, Rec & Waterfront Department host several events through the summer with live music. In 2024 these events included: a concert series at Mill Creek Park, 4th of July at Bug Light, a picnic & concert series at Redbank Pavilion, and an acoustic performance during Art in the Park. 

We strive to offer a diverse range of music through these community events while also meeting the individual needs of each event and location. Musicians of all genres are encouraged to apply. We will make our selections based on providing a variety of genres, opportunity for artists that haven't played a South Portland event before, budget, and overall fit for each event's needs.

The deadline to apply is February 9, 2025. Applicants will be notified by February 28 whether or not they have been selected for an event.

Contact Jenna Martyn-Fisher with any questions about these events:
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What is the band or musicians name? *
Who is the primary contact for the band? *
Phone number to contact: *
Email address to contact: *
What genre of music does the band or musician play? *
If available, please provide a link to a website or video of your music:
Which events are you interested in playing at? (select all that apply)
What is your rate for performing? Please note that most of our concerts are for 1.5hr sets. *
Any comments or special requests?
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