Registration Form: ALANA Educators Meet Up sponsored by The Boston Teachers Union (BTU)
Thursday, May 12, 2022 | 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM | Sponsored by The Boston Teachers Union

Join us for our next ALANA/Educators Meet-Up. Location to be announced. An opportunity to reconnect with old friends and meet other educators of color in the BPS. We'll have resource tables, food and a DJ. This event is co-sponsored by the BTU and the Office of Recruitment, Cultivation & Diversity Programs.

The Boston Teachers Union proudly represents more than 10,000 teachers and other professionals including school nurses, psychologists, guidance counselors, paraprofessionals, and substitute teachers.

Together, we advocate for the interests of students, parents and education professionals throughout the Boston Public Schools. We support investment in public education to ensure a stronger future for our students and our city. As a union of educators, we are part of a movement that seeks to improve the quality of life for all working people. We are united against all forms of prejudice and bigotry that would seek to devalue the lives or liberties of our students, families or colleagues.

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Your first name: *
Your last name: *
Current Position *
Which BPS School school do you work at?
If non-school based, where are you located?
Is this your first ALANA event? *
Did you attend an ALANA event last school year? *
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