Equipment Room Patron Registration Form
Please completely and carefully fill out the registration form below and note the statement acknowledging and agreeing to the Equipment Room's operating policies.

Incomplete registration forms will not be accepted. If you have any questions about the form, please contact us at

If you already submitted the "IMATS Patron Registration Form" you do not need to reregister.

Thank you!
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Name (First & Last) *
Barnard / Columbia Email *
Phone Number *
Affiliation *
Status *
Graduation Date *
e.g. May 2028 (if you are not a student, just write "N/A")
Student (or Employee) Account ID Number (PID) *
IMPORTANT*: This is different from UNI but does still apply to Barnard faculty/employees. For Barnard students/faculty/employees, it is a 7-digit number that you can find here: For Columbia students it is a 9-digit number preceded by the letter 'C,' that you can find in SSOL > "Academic Profile" > "System Student Identifiers" (the first row). If you are a Columbia faculty/employee, please write "N/A." Be aware that we cannot lend out equipment to students until we have your Student ID Number.
ID Card Number/Barcode *
This is the 9-digit number printed on the back of your Barnard/Columbia ID card, in the upper right corner.
If you are in a Barnard film, podcasting, or art/art history class, please indicate the course name and professor here. (Indicate N/A otherwise.) *
Would you like to receive the Media Center newsletter with information on workshops, screenings, and events? *
Acceptance of Responsibility *
I have read and understand the Equipment Room operating policies.
I acknowledge that submitting this form means that I agree to follow those policies.
I acknowledge that failure to follow these policies may result in my account being placed on a temporary or permanent hold.
I accept financial responsibility for lost and damaged equipment.
I accept responsibility for all items in my care and for the safety of those using the equipment.
Please type your electronic signature to indicate you have read and understood the above agreements. *
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