FREE MEAL KITS FOR KIDS: WEDNESDAY, 8/14/2024 Pick up from 1-3:30 PM
WEDNESDAY, August 14, 2024
1:00-3:30 PM --DRIVE THRU
The WNESU School Nutrition Program is offering FREE Meal KITS for ALL children 18 & under. Pick-up is EVERY WEDNESDAY from 1-3:30PM at BFUHS. Each kit will include a combination of bulk and ready-to-eat items equivalent to 7 days worth of breakfast & lunch for one child (items include: VT produce, fresh local bread, artisan cheeses, organic bananas, breakfast cereals, and much more!).
Please help us ensure we prepare enough kits by signing up ASAP. Each week's sign up will be posted on Thursdays.
When you drive to BFUHS, please remember to come with an empty trunk or clear rear seats as these kits are take up a lot of space! When you pull up, park, open your trunk, and roll down your passenger side window to tell us how many children you are getting boxes for. See you soon!
Please remember that Free Summer Meals are for children 18 years of age and under only-- children may only receive 1 breakfast and 1 lunch per day and cannot receive meals from multiple Summer Food Service Program sites. Thank you!