Mind&Melody Application
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Contact Information
I understand that Mind&Melody may only be able to offer a few hours per month based on my availability and program availability. There is no specific amount of hours required or guaranteed.  *
Name *
Are you at least 18 years old? *
E-mail *
Phone *
Facebook (optional)
Closest Location *
School (if applicable)
Preferred method of communication *
Have you been fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine? *
Do you have flexibility in your schedule? *
Do you have your own means of transportation? *
Mind&Melody Questions
Which positions interest you? *
Briefly tell us why are you interested in this job ? *
Why do you think you would be a good for the position? (skills, experience, qualities) *
Besides English, do you speak any languages fluently? *
Musical Experience
List musical activities you participate in and instruments you play *
Are you able to sight-read? *
Are you able to transpose music? *
Are you able to play by ear? *
From the following list of songs, please check off ALL THE SONGS you know and can perform well. If you DO NOT know any, type songs you do know from the 1930s-1980s in the "Other" box *
How did you hear about Mind&Melody?
Please list any other skill sets (music and non-music related):
Please list any additional comments, concerns or questions below:
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