Leadership for the trades exam
This is the final exam for the Entrepreneurial leadership for the trades text book
A leader's role can be broken into three competencies.  They are:
1 point
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Which leadership style emphasizes the strengths of relationship building?
1 point
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Are leaders born or are they made?
1 point
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The 4  portions of the EQ matrix are:
1 point
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Building rapport with individuals and/or teams to assist in helping them move forward to accomplish tasks or goals is called:
1 point
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According to Affective Events Theory how many emotions are affected by events at work?
1 point
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A mismatch among emotions, attitudes, beliefs , and behaviour is known as?
1 point
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The belief that one's attitudes, intelligence, creativity are things that you are born with is known as a:
1 point
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All systems have:
1 point
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Systems which are susceptible to influences from the external environment are known as:
1 point
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Patrick Lencioni state that there are 4 type of values:
1 point
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Values are set and will not change throughout your life.
1 point
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Your personal values will always be the same as your business' values
1 point
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How many small businesses fail in their first 5 years?
1 point
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The three parts of the "Golden Circle" are:
1 point
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According to the law of diffusion of innovation, 2.5% of the population are considered:
1 point
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A statement that answers; What you do, who you serve, and how you serve them, is considered a:
1 point
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A visual exercise used to help build a vision statement is called:
1 point
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How long should you take to build your vision statement?
1 point
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Simon Sinek compares the WHY to which part of the brain?
1 point
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